(2 Ratings)

Cardano Blockchain Developer series

By P G Uncategorized
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About Course

This course is about learning how to become a blockchain developer focused on writing Smart Contracts for Cardano. The course will introduce all concepts that are crucial to become a Cardano Developer.
This includes theory and hands-on approach
Module 1: Blockchain basics
  1. Quick Introduction
  2. Basics of addresses and types of addresses
  3. Basics of Cryptography. Just simple stuff what is signing etc
  4. Basics types of nodes
  5. Cardano Architecture (consensus networking etc)
Module2: Handson tools
  1. Running a docker to create a devnet and http://Demeter.run
  2. Using block frost/ogmios/KOIOS/Dandelion
  3. Running oura and other @txpipe_tools tools
  4. For enthusiast : starting a Cardano-node in testnet command line utilities
Module3: Towards smart contracts
  1. eUTXO fundamentals
  2. eUTXO design patterns
  3. Details around script-context
  4. Native script basics
Module4: Smart contracts: Using various methods available on Cardano
  1. Interacting with a contract without knowing any plutus. Basically frontend part using type script/js
    1.  Plutus (for developers who know Haskell)
    2.  Haskell IOG course for developers who want to learn Haskell
  2. Writing and deploying basic contract
  3. Advanced examples
  4. Once Plutus-TS is ready add code to github
  5. Some debugging tips
Module 5: Verification of contracts
  1. Basic test framework development
  2. Property testing
  3. Usage of Proof assistants (only for users who are already working with Proof assistant)
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What Will You Learn?

  • Cardano Blockchain and how to Develop smart contracts on Cardano Blockchain

Course Content

Blockchain Basics
We will mainly focus on basics of blockchain and understand various architectures. 1) Quick Introduction 2) Basics of addresses and types of addresses 3) Basics of Cryptography. Just simple stuff what is signing etc 4) Basics types of nodes 5) Cardano Architecture (consensus networking etc) https://armada-alliance.gitbook.io/cardano-blockchain-developer-cookbook/blockchain-basics

  • Fundanmentals of Blockchain
  • Basics of addresses and types of addresses
  • Basics of Cryptography
  • Basics of Cryptography : Using CIP49
  • Cardano Different Components
  • Cardano Architecture

Handson tools
1) Running a docker to create a devnet and http://Demeter.run 2) Using block frost/ogmios/KOIOS/Dandelion 3) Running oura and other@txpipe_toolstools 4) For enthusiast : starting a Cardano-node in testnet 5) commandline utilities

Towards smart contracts (coming soon)
1) eUTXO fundamentals 2) eUTXO design patterns 3) Details around script-context 4) Native script basics

Smart contracts: Using various methods available on Cardano (coming soon)
1) Interacting with a contract without knowing any plutus. Basically frontend part using type script/js 2)  Plutus (for developers who know Haskell)   Haskell IOG course for developers who want to learn Haskell Writing and deploying basic contract 3). Advanced examples 4) Once Plutus-TS is ready add code to github 5) Some debugging tips ​

Verification of contracts (coming soon)
1) Basic test framework development 2) Property testing 3) Usage of Proof assistants (only for users who are already working with Proof assistant)

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 2 Ratings
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1 Rating
3 months ago
Not a full course
David Baxter
2 years ago
Love the course! Very helpful if you want to be a developer!
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