We want to help you show people all the passion you have for your communities! The reason we’re doing what we’re doing here is to help people realize how much good we can do with the tools being developed in the blockchain space. We think that the most powerful way we can do that is to help people get acquainted with all the incredible groups and developers that we’ve met in this space. Share your project with our audience by making a course that tells people who you are and how they can get involved or use your project!
Create a course for your project!
Use a course to deliver all the information that you would want a person to have about your project. Do you have specific use cases for your project that people should know about? How can the layman interact with your community? What is your goal and how are you helping?
Lets show them how we’re using blockchain technology to make the world better or how we’re making blockchain technology better!

Break it down and make it simple
Make the information easy for people to digest. Each project will have different things they want to communicate and its important to make sure that those taking the course see your passion and that the information is clear.
People will be interested in different things. Split it up into topics and lessons so that people can easily navigate to whats most important to them. Maybe they want to get involved. Maybe they care about your goals and your plans. Make it easy for them to find the information they need.

Share it!
We make it easy for you to share you intro courses with everyone! On top of that we’ll be putting tons of effort and resources into marketing these courses because we want people to know what our community is up to. We want to see these tools used by the people that need them most.

If you need any help getting started please reach our at [email protected]